Registration Fees

Registration Fees


Iraqies International

Student (PG/Ph.D.)

IQD 250.000

USD 150

Faculty/ Industry

IQD 300.000

USD 200

Attendee (Without Paper)

IQD 50.000

USD 25

Participants without publication IQD 2500

USD 50


Registration Detail on ICES 2023

  • The Registration fee is per paper, including 18 % GST. At least one author should register. The registration doesn’t include the charges for food and accommodation.
  • Authors should check their correct category before fee payment, as once the fee is deposited, it will not be refunded under any circumstances.
  • After the conference, payment receipts will be issued (verification from the account section). Authors are requested not to send reminders for the fee receipt.
  • Authors are requested to keep a record of the transaction, as it is required to submit it as proof during the registration process.
  • Candidates are advised to visit our conference website regularly for updates.
  • All Paper presenters & conference attendees require pre-registration.
  • Only registered participants are allowed to attend the conference.
  • Fill out separate registration forms for each participant, which will be sent to authors once our reviewers and scientific committee chairs accept their papers.
  • At least one author of each accepted paper must register within a week of Acceptance to present the paper at the conference to include the paper in the ICES 2023 Conference Proceedings.
  • Registration for the pre-conference tutorial session will include tutorial materials, tea/coffee and lunch.
  • The organizing committee will not be responsible for any loss of money due to incorrect transactions or bank errors at their end.

Proofreading and Editing

  • To ensure the papers are error-free and impactful, with flawless language and formatting, the papers recommended for Proofreading should pay separate fees for this service and depend on the no. of words in the paper.
  • Proofreading Process is absolute to ensure that your paper has no grammar, punctuation, spelling, typography, and usage errors.
  • The formatting and referencing adhere perfectly to chosen style and guidelines.
  • The Editing ensures that the word choice, syntax, and flow are refined, making the writing clear, cohesive, and impactful.

However, Your paper will go through the following Rounds:

  • Proofreading – Correcting all English language errors (in grammar, punctuation, spelling, and typography).
  • Editing – Improving style, clarity, sentence structure, and coherence.
  • Feedback– Providing detailed critical feedback to improve your writing and offering suggestions in areas of ambiguity.
  • Formatting – Ensuring font, size, colour, margins, spacing, pagination, titles, tables, and other Attributes of your document meet the required guidelines; this includes formatting and setting, the edited and proofreading a paper on desired (Journal template) that is required.
  • Referencing – Formatting and fixing references according to the prescribed style.

Discrimination: Our conference partner to achieve Editing and proofreading services (Paper True); for more information about Paper True Services, please visit their website at:


  • Only the papers recommended for Proofreading will be sent to Paper True by the conference editors.
  • Proofreading and other services fees will pay by authors based on the total number of words in his/her paper.
  • Proofreading and Editing fees are separated from conference registration fees.

Cancellation Policy

  • There is no refund policy.
  • No refunds can be provided on the registration fee on cancellation. The registration fees cannot be refunded under any circumstances for the paper submitted to the conference and then Accepted.